How the Elevate Denver Podcast Works

The Interview:

  • Our podcast is a relaxed, conversational interview-style format that requires no preparation and provides you a platform to spotlight your company or organization

  • Guests receive the interview questions well in advance. The same questions are used for every interview. You can also listen to any of our hundreds of past episodes to get a feel for the questions.

  • The interview is conducted over the Internet, like a Zoom session. It is an audio recording, NOT a live broadcast.

  • Our interview guests receive a copy of their podcast interview audio file. We make sharing your story on your website, social media, and via email... simple, fast, and easy!

The Reach: Who Listens to Your Elevate Denver Podcast Interview?

  • Season 1 (The Good Neighbor Podcast West Denver) was dowloaded almost 5,000X! This number did not include views on the YouTube channel, so we estimate thousands more!

  • Elevate Denver Podcast is promoted every month in local community publications that are mailed to over thousands of homeowners.

  • Elevate Denver Podcast is listened to on all the major podcast platforms including Apple iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Podbean, and over a dozen more!

  • Our website, receives hundreds of local visitors weekly.

  • Google Search... it's very likely your podcast episode will show up on Google when local residents are searching for a service you provide!

  • The more you share and promote it also expands the reach!

Is There A Cost To Participate?

NO. We like to joke, we are like drug dealers - the first one is FREE! We love promoting local businesses, getting their message out and making connections. We do request a follow up meeting simply to share other ways we can get your message out to your target audience, no obligation whatsoever. Our unique, multi-channel marketing platforms may or may not be a fit for your business, but every business owner should be aware of all the options out there that could help grow their business!


Thank You For Choosing Us. Your Trust In Our Services Means The World To Us.